
Parish Nursing Ministry Resources


Parish Nursing in Saskatoon: Discerning the Present, Exploring the Future

2023 CAPNM Promo Brochure (English)

2023 CAPNM Promo Brochure (French)

Ways to Spread the Word out About Your Parish Nursing Ministry (Power Point)

Self Assessment SOP 2021

Position Paper: the Parish Nurse is a Registered Nurse

RN vs RPN 2017

Termination of Client Files Guidelines

Note: These resources have been recommended by members of the Canadian Association for Parish Nursing Ministry (CAPNM) but are not necessarily endorsed by CAPNM.

Books: Parish Nursing / Faith Community Nursing

Caiger, Barbara (2006). Walking alongside: The essence of parish nursing. Victoria, B.C: Trafford Publishing. ISBN: 141205385-4.This book is available from Trafford Publishing for approximately $44.99 or from Chapters/Indigo and for under $30 plus GST and shipping.

Carson, Verna Benner & Koenig, Harold G. (2011). Parish nursing: Stories of service and care(Revised Edition). West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press.

Clarke, Margaret B & Olson, Joanne K. (2000). Nursing within a faith community: Promoting health in times of transition. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications, Inc.

Hickman, Janet S. (2006). Faith community nursing. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.

Hickman, Janet S. (2011 ). Fast facts for the faith community nurse: Implementing fcn /parish nursing in a nutshell. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Miller, Lynda W., RN, PhD., (2004) Faith and Health: A Framework for Christian Nurses. Trafford Publishing, available on Amazon, book $25, Kindle e-book $7; $16.00 if ordered directly from the author:  [email protected]

Myers, Margaret E. (2002) Parish nursing  speaks: The voices of those who practice, facilitate and support parish nursing. London, ON: Opus Wholistic Publications.

Myers, Margaret E. (2002) The integrative parish nursing model: a theoretical framework for practice, education and research. London, ON: Opus Wholistic Publications,

O’Brien,  Mary Elizabeth. (2003). Parish nursing: Health care ministry within the church.  Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Patterson, Deborah L. (2003). The essential parish nurse:  ABC’s for congregational health ministry. Cleveland, OH: The Pilgrim Press.

Shelly, Judith Allen . (2002). Nursing  in the church: A JCN nursing focus book. Publisher: NFC Press.

Smith, Sybil D., PhD. (Editor) Forward by Harold G. Koenig MD. (2003). Parish nursing: A handbook for a new millennium. New York: The Haworth Press.
A useful reference for designing health programs that can compliment a congregation’s ministry priorities for senior adults. This book identifies strengths to reinforce and weaknesses to avoid. Includes stories from the field.

Smucker, Carol J. & Weinberg, Linda. (2009). Faith community nursing: Developing a quality practice. Publisher: American Nurses Association

Solari-Twadell, Phyllis Ann & McDermott, Mary Ann. (2006). Parish nursing: Development, education and administration.  St. Louis, MO: Mosby Inc.

Striepe, Jan. (1989). Nurses in churches: A manual for developing parish nursing services and networks. Spencer, IA: Iowa Lakes Area Agency on Aging. (Unknown publisher. Available on Amazon).

Vandecreek, Larry & Mooney, Sue (2002).  Parish nurses, health care chaplains and community clergy: Navigating the maze of professional relationships. New York, London, Oxford: The Haworth Press.

Westberg, Granger E. with Jill Westberg McNamara  (1991). The parish nurse: Providing a minister of health for your congregation. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Press.

Wescott, JoVeta, Dr. Richard P. Johnson. (2013). Because I care… I am a parish nurse: Becoming an agent of hope and healing.Publisher: AGES.

Books: Nursing and Spirituality

Nouwen, Henri. (1979). The wounded healer: Ministry in contemporary society. New York: Image; New edition (2013). The wounded healer: Ministry in contemporary society [Kindle Edition] (1st ed.): New York: Image.

O’Brien, Mary Elizabeth. (2001). The nurse’s calling: A Christian spirituality of caring for the sick. Malwah, NJ: Paulist Press.

O’Brien, Mary Elizabeth. (2006). The nurse with an alabaster jar: A biblical approach to nursing. Madison, WI: NCF Press,

O’Brien, Mary Elizabeth. (2011). Spirituality in nursing: Standing on holy ground. (4th ed.).Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning

Shelly, Judith Allen & Miller, Arlene B. (1999). Called to care: A Christian theology of nursing. Downers Grove, Il: InterVarsity Press.

Books and Resources: Spirituality and Health

Bakken, K.L., & Hofeller, K. H. (1998). Healing and transformation: Into the image and likeness of God. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany Fellowship Printing Division

Carson, Verna Benner & Koenig, Harold G. (2004).  Spiritual caregiving: Healthcare as a ministry. Philadelphia and London: Templeton Foundation Press.

Coles, Robert. (1990). The spiritual life of children.  Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Meier, Augustine, O’Connor, Thomas St. James & VanKatwyk (Eds.). (2005). Spirituality and health: Multidisciplinary explorations.Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Rolheiser, Ronald. (1999). The holy longing: The search for a Christian spirituality. New York: Doubleday.

Rupp, Joyce. (1997, 2005).  The cup of life: A guide for spiritual growth.  Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press.

VanKatwyk, Peter L. (2003). Spiritual care and therapy: Integrative perspectives. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Books: Healing and Healing Services

Burgess, Ruth and Galloway, Kathy. (Eds.). ( 2000). Praying for the dawn: A resource book for the ministry of healing. Glasgow: Wild Goose Publications.

The healing ministry is first and foremost about justice and peace – about the healing of nations. But intertwined with that divine imperative is the healing of the individual, the healing of memory, of broken relationship. Always within the context of the community of the church or the family or the society the healing of broken minds and bodies is seen as a God-given task for Christ’s disciples in every age. (13) This is an excellent resource book that discusses the church’s healing ministry and the connection between justice and healing. There are liturgies and resources for introducing the ministry of healing in the life and worship of the church. There are questions to help you explore your thoughts about prayers for healing. There is a resource to help you plan your own liturgies. There are good resources about laying-on-of hands with questions for discussion that will be good for a training workshop.

Cowie, Ian. (2000). Jesus’ healing works and ours. Glasgow, Scotland: Wild Goose Publications.
This book discusses in detail the individual healing stories of Jesus in the Gospels and the healing works in Acts. It includes background information, how Jesus went about healing and the implications. There is also a section at the end that relates to anointing with oil (231) and the ministry of healing for local churches.

Cowie, Ian. (1995). Prayers & ideas for healing services. Glasgow: Wild Goose Publications/The Iona Community.
This book begins with three chapters that ask very good questions. Should we have healing services? Are healing services biblical? Should every service be a healing service? In addition to dealing with those questions, there are resources for understanding the components of a healing service as well as prayer and hymn resources.

Dacher, Elliott S. (1996). Whole healing: A step-by-step program to reclaim your power to heal. New York: Penguin. 1996.
Written by a medical doctor, this book relates his theory of wellness that takes into account four systems for healing: the homeostatic healing system-the body’s natural system of checks and balances; the treatment healing system-both traditional and alternative treatments, the mind/body healing system-the co-dependence of physical and psychological components; and the spiritual healing system-spiritual/religious belief system. It discusses how we can draw on all the gifts for healing that are available to us. This holistic book fits the pieces together in a compassionate and empowering way.

De Grandis, Robert & Schubert, Linda. (1992). Healing through the mass. Mineola, NY: Resurrection Press.

Dossey, Barbara Montgomery, Keegan, Lynn and Guzzetta, Cathie E.  (2000). Holistic nursing: A handbook for practice. 3rd Ed. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, Inc.
This book guides nurses in the art and science of holistic nursing and healing. Topics covered that are of particular interest to healing ministry include spirituality and health, the psychophysiology of body/mind healing, relaxation, imagery, music therapy, touch, relationships, facilitating healing in self and others and therapeutic communication.

Epperly, Bruce G. (2001). God’s touch: Faith, wholeness, and the healing miracles of Jesus. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press.
Epperly is a process theologian and a reiki energy healer who asserts, “The universe exists as a cosmic dance in which each being arises in relationship with its neighbour. In this web of interrelationships, there are no hard boundaries between body and mind, person and environment, flesh and spirit, or medicine and spirituality.” (16) Epperly takes into account religion, science and medicine to interpret the power of a healing Christ. “Through a fresh reading of the Gospel narratives, Bruce Epperly reveals the centrality of whole-person healing within Jesus’ mission as teacher and social reformer, and stresses that churches should seek to recover a healing ministry that touches both the spirit and the body.

Graham, Rochelle, Litt, Flora and Irwin, Wayne. (1998). Healing from the heart: A guide to Christian healing for individuals and groups.  Kelowna, BC: Wood Lake Books, Inc.
This is a must have book for healing ministries in the United Church. Wayne Irwin is a United Church minister who, along with Flora Litt a Therapeutic Touch practitioner (among other things), worked at the now defunct Lowville Prayer Centre. Rochelle Graham practices Healing Touch and brings an added dimension to the book. Together they discuss the science, theology and spirituality of healing. It includes meditation resources, healing services and practical hands-on-healing methods.

Hardel, Dick & Jennifer Mull. (1994). That it may be well  with you! Minneapolis: Augsburg Youth and Family Institute.
This book attempts to provide a solid theological and biblical basis for a congregation-based wellness ministry. It challenges congregations to look at the effectiveness of their ministries in assisting people to see themselves as whole persons. It broadens the scope of wellness to include quality of life in the following areas: intellectual, spiritual, emotional, social, physical, environmental, and occupational. It is a small book with contributing writers Thomas Droege, David Hilton and Jack Lundin.

Kelsey, Morton. (1995). Healing and Christianity: A classic study. Minneapolis: Augsburg.
An updated version of the book published in 1973 using evidence from “the worldview of Jesus, the New Testament, Plato, Jung, and recent quantum mechanics.” The book concludes with a practical chapter on how to participate in healing ministry using as a model the ministry of Agnes Sandford.

Nouwen, Henri: (1979) The wounded healer: Ministry in contemporary society.  New York: Image; New edition (2013) The wounded healer: Ministry in contemporary society [Kindle Edition] (1st ed.) New York: Image.

Numbers, Ronald L. and Amundsen, Darrel W. Eds. (1986) Caring and curing: Health and medicine in the western religious traditions. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
This book includes historical information on the Jewish Tradition, the Early Christian Tradition, the Reformed Tradition and the Wesleyan-Methodist Tradition for use in my workshop. This book also includes historical background for many other Christian denominations. This is fascinating historical material that gives historical precedent to the use of healing services, anointing and laying-on-of-hands.

Pilch, John J. (2000). Healing in the New Testament: Insights from medical and Mediterranean anthropology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
Healing is examined in each of the four Gospels and in Acts. There are discussion questions for each chapter. “Pilch takes us beyond the historical and literary questions to examine the social questions of how the ancient Judeans and earliest followers of Jesus understood healing. In his comparative analysis, the author draws on Mediterranean anthropology as well as the models employed by medical anthropologists to open the world of peasant societies and their healthcare systems.”

Remen, Rachel Naomi. (1996). Kitchen table wisdom:  Stories that heal.  USA: Riverhead Books.

Rian Evans, Abigail (2000) The healing church: Practical programs for health ministries. United Church Press.

Smith, Susan Marie. (2012) Caring liturgies: The pastoral power of Christian ritual. [Paperback and Kindle Edition]. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.

Swartley, William M. (2012). Health, healing and the Church’s mission: Biblical perspectives and moral priorities [Kindle Edition].Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic

Thomas, Leo with Alkire, Jan. (1994). Healing ministry: A practical guide. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward.
Leo Thomas has extensive experience as a practitioner and trainer in the ministry of religious healing. Thomas attempts to bring the concept of healing ministry to non-charismatics. This book includes a “how to” guide for ministry to different healing needs as well as resources for “Ministers of Religious Healing.”

Thomas, Zach. (1994). Healing touch: The church’s forgotten language. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press.
Thomas provides a model for reflecting on touch in pastoral care and guidance for congregations in designing appropriate healing services that include laying on of hands. Included are historical, biblical and scientific conclusions to support the use of healing touch. Case studies are presented and intent is examined as “the most important factor” in touch behaviour.

Wagner, James K. (1993)  An adventure In healing and wholeness: The healing ministry of Christ in the church today. Nashville: The Upper Room.
This book was used for a group study to introduce the scriptural basis for a healing ministry in the church when Karen Marks began  parish nursing ministry in her congregation. It is a good introduction into healing ministry and though she found the theology a bit conservative for her thinking, it can easily be adapted for use.

Walsh, Sheila. (2004). The heartache no one sees: Christ’s promise of healing for a woman’s wounded heart. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Wright, Lorraine M. (2005). Spirituality, suffering and illness: Ideas for healing. Philadelphia, PA:  F. A. Davis Company.

Yancey, Philip. (1990). Where is God when it hurts? Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Books and Resources: Prayer, Meditation & Reflection

Bedics, Dorothy E. (1990). Comfort my people: Prayer services for the sick and suffering. Chicago: Loyola University Press.

Bellous, Joyce E. (2005). Gardening of the heart: 40 devotions for thoughtful women. Toronto, Ontario: Clements Publishing.

Calhoun, Adele Ahlberg. (2005). Spiritual disciplines handbook: Practices that transform us. Downer’s Grove, Il: InterVarsity Press.

Chittister, Joan. (2009). The breath of the soul: Reflections on prayer. New London, CT: Twenty-Third Publications.

Dossey, Larry, Benson, Herbert,  Polkinghorne, John and Others. Healing through prayer: Health practitioners tell the story. Toronto: Anglican Book Centre. 1999.
The title describes this book very well. Each chapter, by different health practitioners and spiritual care givers addresses healing which implies controlling suffering at every level. … It seems to me that, only when we connect with our inner silence and profit from its richness, can we heal. (8-9) These are healing stories that are told from a multi-disciplinary approach.

Dossey, Larry. (1996). Prayer is good medicine. Harper San Francisco.
Larry Dossey is a medical doctor who examines the healing power of prayer. He identifies prayer as a medical and scientific issue. He looks at scientific studies on prayer, but also examines prayer from the eyes of a faithful physician. He looks at the negative attitudes about prayer and identifies that the answers to prayer may depend on factors we have no knowledge of. It is a good balancing book that looks at prayer through different eyes.

Droege, Thomas A. (1996). The healing presence: Spiritual exercises for healing, wellness, and recovery. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Youth and Family Institute, 1996.
This is a wonderful book that includes how to use guided imagery exercises for healing as well as a number of guided imagery exercises for individual and corporate use.

Fish, Sharon. (2000), Quiet moments for nurses. Ann Arbor, MI: Vine Books, Servant Publications.

Free, Betty. (2002). Quiet moments for caregivers: Devotional and worship ideas for caregivers and care receivers. Wheaton, Il: Tyndale House Publishers.

Green, Thomas H. (1979, 1998, 2007). When the well runs dry: Prayer beyond the beginnings. Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press.

Harris, Rachel. (2000).  20-minute retreats. New York: Henry Holt and Company.

Hamma, Robert M. (1993). Come to me: Prayers in times of illness. Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press.

Honor Books. (1996): Tea time with God: Heartwarming insights to refresh your spirit. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Honor Books.

Killen, Patricia O’Connell & De Beer, John. (1994). The art of theological reflection. New York: Crossroad.

Lawrence, Brother. (1958, 1967). The practice of the presence of God. Grand Rapids, MI: Spire Books.

Nouwen, Henri. (1999). The only necessary thing: Living a prayerful life. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company.

Nouwen, Henri & Christensen, Michael J. & Laird, Rebecca J. (2006).  Spiritual direction: Wisdom for the long walk of faith. San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishers.

O’Brien, Mary Elizabeth. (2003). Prayer in nursing: The spirituality of compassionate caregiving. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

O’Donohue, John. (2008). To bless the space between us: A book of blessings. United States of America: Doubleday.

Papandrea, James L. (2009). Spiritual blueprint: How we live, work, love, play and pray. Liguori, MO: Liguori Publications.

Patterson, Deborah L. (2005). Healing words for healing people:  Prayers and meditations for parish nurses and other health professionals. Cleveland, OH: The Pilgrim Press.

Puchalski, Christina M. & Ferrell, Betty. (2010) Making health care whole: Integrating spirituality into health care. West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press, 2010

Rabior, William. (2001). Prayers for later years. Liguori, MO: Liguori Press.

Rupp, Joyce. (1985, Rev. 2002). Fresh bread and other gifts of spiritual nourishment.  Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press.

Rupp, Joyce. (1988, Rev. 2009). Praying our goodbyes.  Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press.

Rupp, Joyce. (2000). Out of the ordinary, Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press.

Rupp, Joyce. (2001). Inviting God in: Scriptural reflections and prayers throughout the year.  Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press.

Rupp, Joyce. (2007). Prayer.  Maryknoll, New York: Obis Books.

Rupp, Joyce (2008). Open the door: A journey to the true self.  Notre Dame, Indiana: Sorin Books.

Rupp, Joyce. (1992, 2003).  May I have this dance?  Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press.

Tada, Joni Eareckson & Cymbala, Jim & Bright, Bill & more. (1999). In this quiet place: Discovering the pleasure of prayer. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.

Tanner, Anne. (2001).  Practical prayer: Making space for God in everyday  life. Toronto: Path Books.
This book would make a good study resource for people seeking to explore their prayer life, and to make them more comfortable in praying with others. The three parts of the book, each containing 4 or 5 different chapters are: Part 1-Welcomed into Prayer; Part 2-Giving Voice to Prayer; Part 3-Meditation and Action. This is a very user friendly book. Anne had a D.Min., is a trained labyrinth facilitator, has been an associate member of The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine for 26 years and managed the Anglican bookstore for 16 years.

Vanier, Jean. (1998, 2008). Becoming human. Toronto: House of Anansi Press, Inc.

Wangerin, Ruthann & Walter Jr. (2000). A prayerbook for husbands and wives: Partners in prayer. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Press.

Whittall, Lyn & Hager; Judy. (Eds.).  (2005). Spirit of hope: A collection of prayers and meditation for adults and children. Vancouver, BC: Quiet Moments Publishing.

Young, Sarah. (2004). Jesus Calling. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
This book of personal daily devotions is written as if Jesus were speaking directly to the reader. Accompanied by texts each day they give light and life to our Christian life.

Books and Resources: Spirituality, Caring and Caregiving

Barton, Jane W., MTS, MASM Professional Boundaries: Discerning the Line in the Sand. Life quality institute: Advancing palliative care. (Google on-line).

Dolan, Joseph M. (1977). Give comfort to my people. New York: Paulist Press.

Ferris, Margaret. (2009). Compassioning: Basic counselling skills for Christian caregivers. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Fitchett; George. (2002).   Assessing spiritual need: A guide for caregivers. Lima, OH: Academic Renewal Press.

Guilmartin, Nance. (2010). Healing conversations:  What to say when you don’t know what to say. (Revised edition). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Hauerwas, Stanley. (2004). Naming the silences: God, medicine and the problem of suffering. New York:  T & T Clark International.

Haugk, Kenneth C. (1984).  Christian Caregiving: A Way of Life. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House.
This book discusses ministering to the whole person and is a good resource for training pastoral visitors. It begins by stating that Christians are responsible for care; God is responsible for cure. While the whole book is very good, the chapter called “Prayer” and another on “Sharing a Blessing” would be useful to use as resources in a workshop for those who want to participate in the process of offering healing prayers in a healing service or at other times.

Haugk, Kenneth C. & McKay, William J. (1994). Care giving: A way of life leader’s guide.. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Press.

Hunt, June. (2011). Caring for a loved one with cancer. Wheaton, Il: Crossway.

Lester, Andrew D. (1995). Hope in pastoral care and counseling. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press.

Miller, James & Cutshall, Susan. (2001). The art of being a healing presence. Fort Wayne, Indiana: Willowgreen Publishing.

Normile, Patti. (1992). Visiting the sick:  A guide for parish ministers. Cincinnati, Ohio: St. Anthony Messenger Press.

Nouwen, Henri. (2011). A spirituality of caregiving. Nashville, TN: The Upper Room.

O’Connor, Thomas St. James, Lashmar, Colleen & Meakes, Elizabeth (Eds.). (2008). The spiritual care giver’s guide to identity, practice and relationships: Transforming the honeymoon in spiritual care and therapy. Canada: Southwestern Ontario Region of the Canadian Association for Pastoral Practice and Education and Waterloo Lutheran Seminary.
This book offers practical and academic approaches to the art of spiritual care and therapy. It integrates three essential areas: identity, practice and relationships as viewed after the honeymoon in spiritual care, ie. after passion has decreased. Various authors present diversity of understandings emphasizing resilience, flexibility and respect. Case studies, research and therapy offer helpful interventions. Chapters range from music, to aboriginal cultural helper, to supervision and poverty.

Peel, Donald. (1980). The ministry of listening: Team visiting in hospital and home. Toronto, Canada: Anglican Book Centre.

Pruyser, Paul W. (1976). The minister as diagnostician: Personal problems in pastoral perspective. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press.

Van Bommel, Harry. (1996,1999, 2006).  Caring for loved ones at home: An illustrated, easy-to-follow guide to short or long-term care. Scarborough, ON: Resources Supporting Family and Community Legacies Inc.

Books and Resources: Aging and End of Life

Auger, Sherry & Wickens, Barbara. (2010) Now what? A practical guide to dealing with aging, illness and dying.  Toronto, Canada: Novalis.

Burt, Donald X. (1992). But when you are older: Reflections on coming to age. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press.

Byock, Ira. (1997). Dying well: Peace and possibilities at the end of life. New York, NY: Riverhead Books.

Callanan, Maggie & Kelley, Patricia. (1993). Final gifts:  Understanding the special awareness, needs, and communications of the dying.  New York: Bantam Books.

Callanan, Maggie. (2008). Final journeys: A practical guide for bringing care and comfort at the end of life. New York: Bantam Books.

Chittister, Joan. (2008). The gift of years: Growing older gracefully. New York:  BlueBridge.

Chochinov, Harvey Max. (2012). Dignity therapy:  Final words for final days.  New York: Oxford University Press.

Fischer, Kathleen. (1995).Autumn gospel: Women in the second half of life. Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press.

Fischer, Kathleen & Hart, Thomas. (1997).Facing discouragement. Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press.

Fischer, Kathleen. (1998).Winter grace: Spirituality on aging. Nashville: Upper Room Books.

Griffith, William H. (2004). More than a parting prayer: Lessons in care-giving for the dying. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Judson Press

Hollis, James. (2006). Finding meaning in the second half of life: How to finally, really grow up. New York: Gotham Books.

Fisher, James C. & Simmons, Henry C. (2007). A journey called aging: Challenges and opportunities in older adulthood. New York, NY: The Howarth Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

Kimble, M. A. & McFadden. S. H. (Eds.). (2003). Aging, spirituality and religion: A handbook (Volume 2). Minneapolis: Fortress Press.

Koenig, Harold G. & Lawson, Douglas, M. (2004). Faith in the future: Healthcare, aging, and the role of religion. Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press.

Miller, James E. (2005). Autumn wisdom:  Finding meaning in life’s later years. (2nd ed.). Fort Wayne, Indiana: Willowgreen.

McFadden, S. H. & McFadden, J.T. (2011). Aging together: Dementia, friendship and flourishing communities. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press.

Morrow, Carol Ann. (2000). Getting older, growing wiser. St. Meinrad, Indiana: One Caring Place, Abbey Press.

Nouwen, Henri & Gaffney, Walter. (1976). Aging: The fulfillment of life. New York: Doubleday Dell Publishing.

Nouwen, Henri. (1994). Our greatest gift: A meditation on dying and caring. New York: HarperCollins Publisher.

O’Rourke, Michelle. (2009). Befriending death: Henri Nouwen and a spirituality of dying.  Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books.

O’Rourke, Michelle & Dufour, Eugene.(2012). Embracing the end of life: Help for those who accompany the dying.  Toronto, Canada: Novalis.

Roche, James W. (2000). Facing death discovering life. Ottawa, Ontario: The Catholic Health Association of Canada.

Rupp, Joyce. (1996, Rev. 2006). Dear heart come home: The path of midlife spirituality.  New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company.

Rupp, Joyce & Wiederkehr, Macrina. (2005). The circle of life: The heart’s journey through the seasons. Notre Dame, Indiana: Sorin Books.

Swinton, John. (2012). Dementia: Living in the memories of God. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

Wolfelt, Alan D. (2003). Creating meaningful funeral experiences: A guide for caregivers. Fort Collins, Colorado. Companion Press.

Yanos, Susan. (2001). Woman you are free: A  spirituality for women in Luke. Cincinnati, OH: St. Anthony Messenger Press.

Books and Resources: Grief

Dunn, Eileen. (2001). Sacred goodbyes: Honoring and healing your pain and loss. San Francisco, CA: Robert D. Reed Publishers.

Freed, Lucy & Salazar, Penny Yvonne. (1993). A season to heal: Help and hope for those working through post-abortion stress.Nashville, TN: Cumberland House Publishing, Inc.

Haugk, Kenneth C. (2004). Journey through grief.  Saint Louis: Stephen Ministries. ($9.95 through Stephen Ministries).
This is a set of four short, easy-to-read books offer words of comfort and hope to those grieving the loss of a loved one. Individuals and organizations send each of the Journeying through Grief books to grieving people at specific, crucial times during that first year after a loved one dies. Each book focuses on what the person is likely to be experiencing at that time and provides care, assurance, encouragement, and hope. The Journeying through Grief Giver’s Guide is also available through Stephen Ministries.

Hickman, Martha Whitmore. (1994). Healing after loss: Daily meditations for working through grief. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Hutchison, Joyce & Rupp, Joyce. (2009). Now that you’ve gone home: Courage and comfort for times of grief. Notre Dame, Indiana:Ave Maria Press.

LesStrang, Barbara (1995). Afterloss: A recovery companion for those who are grieving. Santa Barbara, CA: Harbor house Publishers, Inc.

Miller, James E. & Golden, Thomas R. (1998). A man you know is grieving. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Willowgreen Publishing.

Rupp, Joyce. (1999). Your sorrow is my sorrow: Hope and strength in times of suffering.  New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company.

Wright, H. Norman. (2004). Experiencing grief. Nashville,TN: Broadman & Holdman Publishers.

Books and Resources: Mental Health

Govig, Stewart D. (1999). In the shadow of our steeples: Pastoral presence for families with mental illness. Binghampton, NY: The Haworth Pastoral Press.

Jones, Moyra. (2007). Gentlecare: Changing the experience of Alzheimer’s disease in a positive way. New Westminster, B.C.: Moyra Jones Resources, Ltd.

May, Gerald G. (1988). Addiction & grace: Love and spirituality in the healing of addictions. New York, NY: HarperCollins Books.

Nelson, James B. (2004). Thirst: God and the alcoholic experience. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press.

Woolis, Rebecca. (1992). When someone you love has a mental illness: A handbook for family, friends, and caregivers. New York: The Putnam Publishing Group.

Books and Resources: Self-Care and Caregiver Support

Abramson, Alexis. (2004). The caregiver’s survival handbook:  Caring for your aging parents without losing yourself. New York: Penquin Group.

Hargrave, Terry. (2009). Strength and courage for caregivers:  30 hope- filled morning and evening reflections. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Press.

Lebow, Grace & Kane, Barbara with Lebow, Irwin. (1999, 2002).Coping with your difficult older parent: A guide for stressed-out children. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.  

Muller, Wayne. (1999). Sabbath: Finding rest, renewal and delight in our busy lives. United States: Bantam.

Muller, Wayne. (2010). A life of being, having and doing enough.  United States: Harmony Books.

Rupp, Joyce & Hutchinson, Joyce. (1999, 2009)  May I walk you home?: Courage and comfort for caregivers of the very ill. Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press.


Catholic Health Association of Saskatchewan (Author). (2010). Community of care – A parish ministry of care manual. Toronto. ON:Novalis

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. (2007,rev.)  Congregational health ministries/ parish nurse manual.  St. Louis, MO: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Health Ministries.

Royer, Linda C.  Empowering the nurse leader: Implementing a faith community nursing practice-Vol.1 of a 3-volume bundled self-study course for establishing a faith community nursing practice. For further information, contact the author at [email protected].

Interchurch Health Ministries Handbook and Resource Manual.
Order from InterChurch Health Ministries, 44 Metcalfe, Aurora, ON L4G 1E6, Canada
Tel: 905-841-7619 Email: [email protected]

Videos: Parish Nursing

Cuttler, Isobel & Wiggins, Nancy. (2013). Health ministry: A circle of care for your congregation. Fredericton, NB: Anglican  Diocese  of Fredericton. Available on YouTube

Available in Edmonton area from Evelyne Forbes, Parish Nurse at Mt. Zion Lutheran Church – Tel: 780 – 455-3538:

1. Beginnings: Pastor Frick and Parish Nurse Frack. This video provides an excellent overview of a parish nurse program in a congregation. 56 minutes.

2.  Parish Nurse Ministry. Jo-Anne Kinoshita, Parish Nurse in Edmonton provides a glimpse into parish nursing. 11 min.

3. Parish Nursing. University of Alberta, Health Sciences Media Services. Features three parish nurses reflecting on how they have experienced the benefits of education in carrying forward their beginning practice of parish nursing. 20 min.

4. The Parish Nurse: A ministry to older adults. (1991) Park Ridge, Ill: Parish Nurse Resource Centre. The parish nurse works with seniors in different congregational settings. 18 min.

Available  by ordering from InterChurch Health Ministries, 44 Metcalfe, Aurora, ON L4G 1E6, Canada
Tel: 905-841-7619
 Email: [email protected]:

1.  Parish Nurse: On Call for Tomorrow 2000. 9 min., $15 plus postage
This video, produced by Berkley Studios, United Church of Canada, succinctly describes the roles of the Parish Nurse and Health Cabinet within the context of a congregational health and healing ministry as developed by InterChurch Health Ministries.

2. Three Acts of Illness. Granger Westberg speaks on the role of disease prevention and health promotion. 35 min.

Available through Edmonton Victoria Order of Nurses, #100, 4936 – 87 St., Edmonton, AB T6B 2P9, Tel: (780) 466-0293; Fax: (780) 463-5629. $50.00 + $7.00 S&H.:

1. Listening to Soul Pain. This video is aimed at those who offer services to people who are attempting to survive a difficult or traumatic life experience; whether from death of a loved one, war, rape, domestic violence, loss of a limb, being diagnosed with terminal illness, etc. 20 min.

YouTube Videos: Spirituality

Westera, Doreen. (2009): Spirituality in Health and Nursing Care

Doreen Westera has 13 videos posted on YouTube and available on DVD. These can be accessed through the above website. Examples are:

1. Spirituality

2. Spiritual assessment

3. Spiritual care in gerontological nursing

4. Spirituality in palliative care

YouTube Videos: Mental Illness

Removing the stigma of mental illness


Music Therapy –  – Music Therapy information and resources; CD’s; DVD’s

Share the Care –

Henri Nouwen – access to ordering his works and a daily reflection –

Advance Care Planning –

Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association –

Canadian Virtual Hospice –

Pamphlets and Brochures

Care Notes – Correspondence to One Caring Place, Abbey Press, St. Meinrad, IN, USA 47577     A vast array of small booklets on a number of topics, useful for caregivers, volunteers or to share with those you are visiting.

PN Primary Health Care Brochure

Journal Articles

Bergquist, S., & King, J (1994).  Parish nursing: A conceptual framework. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 12(2), 155-170.

Boland, C.S. (1998). Parish nursing: Addressing the significance of social support and spirituality for sustained health-promoting behaviors in the elderly. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 16(3), 355-368.

Droege, T. (1995). Congregations as communities of health and healing. Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology, 49(2) (April), 117-129.

Forbes, E. (2000). The church: A wellness refuge for the older person. Perspectives: Journal of the Gerontological Nursing Association, 24(3), 16-19.

Kuhn, J. K. (1997). A profile of parish nurses. Journal of Christian Nursing, 14(1), 26-28 & 34-35.

Martin, L. B. (1996). Parish Nursing: Keeping body and soul together. The Canadian Nurse, 92(1), 25-28.

Miller, L.W. (Winter 1997). Nursing through the lens of faith: A conceptual model. Journal of Christian Nursing. 14(1), 17-23.

Olson, J. & Clark, M. (1999, Spring). What is parish nursing? Exchange. 13-16.

Olson, J., Simington, J., & Clark, M (1998, September). Educating parish nurses. The Canadian Nurse, 40-44.

Rydholm, L. (1997). Patient-focused care in parish nursing. Holistic Nursing Practice, 11(3), 47-60.

Simington, J. (1996, fall). Parish nursing: Reclaiming the church’s healing mission. Catholic Health Association of Canada Review, 19-20.

Simington, J;, Olson, J;, & Douglass, L. (1996, January). Promoting well-being within a parish. The Canadian Nurse, 20-24.

Solari-Twadell, P.A., & Westberg, G. (1995, June/July). Body, mind and soul: The parish nurse offers physical, emotional and spiritual care. Canada Lutheran, 16-18.

Striepe, J., King, J., & Scott, L. (1993, winter). Nurses in the church: Profiles of caring. Journal of Christian Nursing. 8-11.

Tuck, I., & Wallace, D. (2000). Exploring parish nursing from an ethnographic perspective. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 11(4), 280-289.

Van Dover, L. & Pfeiffer, J. (2012). Patients of parish nurses experience renewed spiritual identity: a grounded theory study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 68 (8), pp. 1824-33.
This article describes how the ‘main concern’ of the patients to resolve their health challenge resulted in changes to their spiritual identity. Phases of this change resulting in enhanced understanding of whom they are (known and loved by God) are described.

Note: The Journal of Christian Nursing: encourages spiritual and professional development, and has articles specific to parish nursing.  For more information about how the Journal can serve you go to

For more information on Parish Nursing or for comments please e-mail:  [email protected]